

 All API queries should be made over HTTPS, and plain HTTP will be refused.Do not forget to include your headers in all requests.

Every requests must contain the following headers:

Making a request

All requests must contain the following headers:

  • Token - a Token that you generate
  • Public key - The public key is generated using the following convention - sha512 of your given token and private key i.e sha512(token + private_key)

If your Merchant Id contains reserved characters (e.g., "@", "+", white spaces as %20) it should be URL encoded otherwise you may get a signature mismatch or just an invalid parameter value.

Token String Yes  A newly generated access token for an applicant.
Public_key String Yes  sha512 of your given token and private key i.e sha512(token + private_key)

An access token for an applicant has limited access to the API, e.g., it’s only valid for 1 applicant and can't access other applicants.



This is the most secure method of talking to our API programmatically.You can generate your API token by calling on the following endpoint.

   curl -X GET \

#Creating your publickey

Example Case:

Token: 2eqsd12123123e

private_key: s32rffq34wdf34wfq34cad3qewaf



Note :

Avoid putting space, plus sign, or any other character in between your token and private key while calculating. Such alterations can cause errors and potentially render the key unusable.