Ogaranya API

The Ogaranya API is a service that provides RESTful APIs for creating, initiating, and accepting payments via SMS.

The API responds with JSON payloads in most cases, unless stated otherwise.

When sending data to the API, parameters should be passed as valid JSON, and the request should include the header "Content-Type: application/json" to indicate the data format being sent.

Documentation so good, you’ll cry. We invest our time into fully abstracting our APIs, so your team can focus on building a cohesive system. Integrate with Ogaranya in minutes, not months.

curl -X POST 
'{{base-url}}/{merchant_id}/pay/{country_code}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'token: your_token' \ -H 'publickey: your_public key' \ -d '{ "amount": "500", "msisdn": "2348068869417", "desc": "Testing", "reference":"8864905934" }'


Our API allows you to simulate live models in the comfort of your local environment.

simulation feature allows developers to test and emulate the behavior of live models within our system. It provides a convenient way to observe the flow, interaction, and response in a simulated environment.

This feature allows message and payment simulation which is beneficial to developers and businesses, to ensure that they test various endpoints without actually making real payments or sending real messages.

curl -X GET 
{{base-url}}/bot/simulation/{message}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json'\ -H 'token: your_token' \ -H 'publickey: your_public key' \
curl -X POST 
{{base-url}}/payment/simulation' \ -H'Content-Type: application/json'\ -H'token: your_token' \ -H'publickey: your_public key' \ -d'{ "order_reference": "5467870645", "amount": 600 }'

Simplified Debugging

Possible errors have been logged in API Health. This enhance your debugging skill and improve your efficiency

If you have an error not logged in the API health do well to drop it in the comment box.

"status": "error",
"message": "Merchant phone number is already existing",
"code": "E0023"